The Big Bad Office Wolf (Kings of the Tower Book 1) Page 3
She would have answered, if his fingertip hadn’t found a spot that made it physically impossible for her to think straight, let alone enunciate a complete sentence.
“He doesn’t know you, he’ll never see you again. You’re safe, sweet. Just enjoy this…”
His mouth wrapped around her earlobe and he nibbled at it. In a brief lucid interval, she noticed that while his mouth was doing all it possibly could to render her insane, it had yet to kiss hers. She turned her head to face him, looking right into those hazel eyes, before bringing her lips to his.
Parker froze. He had no issue fingering her in public, but a simple, chaste kiss made him look like he’d been tasered. He didn’t have to say a thing for her to realize that she’d pushed his boundaries; he didn’t kiss one-night stands. Oh, well. She didn’t generally fuck them in a car either. He could deal.
He must have come to the same conclusion because, with a hungry moan, he took her mouth, the hand he’d kept on her thigh grabbing her neck and pulling her closer. Parker bit her lip, before licking it better, and thrusting his tongue in her mouth, making her moan eagerly.
She felt him smile against her, before he removed his fingers from her hot center, and pulled her dress back in place.
“We’re here.”
“Here” was a tall, elegant building in TriBeCa; a large doorman let them in, an elegant and beautiful concierge in black greeted them as they entered.
“Good evening, Mr. Parker.”
“It certainly is, Lillie,” he replied politely, his smile making the poor girl lose balance. Not that Tori could blame her.
There was an elevator attendee, which was overkill, even for a posh building. “The roof is open to guests tonight, sir,” he informed him, and, if she wasn’t mistaken, Tori saw Parker shoot him a weird look. Almost like a warning.
“We’re just going up to my apartment.”
“Of course.”
The man keyed in a code, and tapped the button for the seventy-fourth floor.
“Just under the penthouse,” Tori noted.
“They don’t rent the penthouse here.”
She almost rolled her eyes. Of course. And if they had rented it, that’s where he would have stayed; he was that kind of guy. The kind who accepted nothing less than the very best.
As a rule, Tori couldn’t stand them, and although they’d gotten along alright for a few minutes back at the party, she knew he was the very opposite of what she was looking for in a guy. Kissing was unusual for him, but he was okay with humping in a cab. That said player like nothing else. Still, there were cobwebs in her vagina that seriously needed dusting and he’d do the job quite nicely. It really didn’t hurt that he lived in London, a world away. She’d never have to see him again after tonight.
The elevator opened up right inside the apartment, which explained why the guy had needed to let them in. She just had a second to notice that the place, bathed in the city lights, as he’d left his curtains open, was clinically organized - no jackets on any surface, no cups left unattended. Then Parker’s lips dropped on the nape of her neck, and he worked her zipper down her spine, letting her dress fall at her feet in a puddle of black silk.
“Step out of your dress, Tori.”
Her heart beating at full speed, she did just that.
Parker was right behind her, she could feel every hard inch of him burning her back.
“Bend over, darling.”
Her breathing hitched. Here? He wanted to take her here, in his entryway?
“Don’t worry, I have no intention of fucking you right this second, luv. I just don’t think I can go much further without burying my head between those thighs and making you scream for me.”
Oh. Well, when he said it like that.
She bent over, grabbing her ankles to steady herself.
“God bless yoga,” he growled, and she chuckled with him.
But then, he knelt behind her, pushed her hot-pants aside, and, like he’d promised he would, ate her out like she was made of candy. She was done laughing after that.
Instead, she moaned, cried out, lost her balance a little, but his thick arms were holding her firmly in place, not letting her move away. Fuck. Now she understood why no one cared he wasn’t kissing their mouths; his talents with pussy lips more than made up for it.
“Arrrr-” she couldn’t control the embarrassing sounds coming out of her own mouth. All the while fucking her with his tongue, Parker kept on caressing her legs, almost tenderly.
She came after what felt like an eternity, her body just giving in.
Parker put her underwear back over her sensitive folds. She slowly got back to an upright position, feeling quite dizzy.
“Well done, luv. Couldn’t have been easy, staying up in those fuck-me shoes.”
She had to roll her eyes.
“I was basically born in Louboutin.”
Not quite accurate, but, as a girl with big feet, she’d soon realized that high heels were the way to go, and her mother had encouraged her taste.
“You may just be the most perfect thing I’ve ever seen, Tori Brown.”
She didn’t question why he knew her name. Her friends had mentioned it. She remembered him saying he wasn’t good at remembering people, but at the time, it didn’t bother her.
It would be two weeks before she connected all the dots.
“There,” Parker said, removing his shirt, and wrapping it over her shoulders. “We wouldn’t want you to get cold.”
Holy shit. Could the guy get any sexier? No. He probably couldn’t. Right?
Shirtless Parker was a sight. He had abs for days, a defined, yet lithe musculature, and, as if that wasn’t enough, he’d adorned his skin with tattoos; a full sleeve on the right, the left was more personal. A date, a flower, and a name: Drew. She bit her lip before asking who Drew was. That was most definitely not a one-night stand topic.
“I could put my dress back on,” she pointed out, all the while devouring his sculpted torso with her eyes.
“We wouldn’t want that, either,” he smirked.
She might have argued further, but, well, she also appreciated the view, so it seemed like a counterproductive endeavor.
One Night
Needing some distance, Bryant went to serve them a drink, all the while willing his limbs to stop shaking.
She’d crawled under his skin. Not only because she did what he asked her to, fighting her own body to stay balanced because he wanted her to. Not only because she looked so fucking perfect doing it. He was completely out of sorts because for once, he wasn’t in control. He wasn’t indifferent. If she turned on her fucking perfect heels and moved to leave, he’d chase her. He’d negotiate with her, intending to get her back in there. Hell, he wasn’t even against begging.
Why? It made no sense. He never cared. Once or twice, his partners had left, changing their minds or having an emergency. He’d called a replacement to take the edge off.
Why did he feel like there was no replacement for Tori Brown?
“I have gin, brandy, rum, vodka…”
“Basically, a full bar,” she summarized, and he had to shrug one shoulder. Close enough. “Rum and coke, if you wouldn’t mind.”
He poured two of those before circling the bar and sitting next to her, on one of the sofas where she’d perched herself, folding her legs under her ass. He was conflicted, half wishing he could see those legs clearly, and half savoring the way she knelt.
Bryant smiled, recalling his brother’s words. “She isn’t that kind of girl,” James had said, and perhaps he was right. He sincerely doubted she was a seasoned submissive. But the instincts were there; if he read her right, he thought she’d enjoy relinquishing control.
And he’d find out, soon. Just not tonight.
Somewhere between the elevator and the dining room, he’d come to terms with the fact that he wasn’t going to be satisfied with one night. Not even close. He had every intention of having h
er again when he came back to the city in a few weeks. Again, and again, and again. He hadn’t had more than a taste and already, he craved more.
“Here you go, darling,” he said, handing her a glass. She wrapped a hand around it, and he pretended he didn’t feel like a jolt of freaking lighting had hit him when her thumb brushed against his.
Seriously, it was messed up.
“That accent of yours is quite dangerous, you know. You should use it with care.”
“One could say the same about purple lipstick on your mouth, yet you seem to have no shame in honing your weapons. Pardon me if I make use of mine.”
Tori laughed, and shifted to straddle his lap again. Naughty girl. He took a sip of his drink, and put it down. He wouldn’t have been against a bit of conversation, but she’d just thrown that option out the window. His poor dick had been twitching, begging to come out for an hour now, and he was in serious danger of blue balls. Feeling her sweet little body right on him again was too much.
“I adore this,” he told her, cupping her ass. The soft, pastel pink lingerie she wore wasn’t something he would have picked, but damn if she didn’t rock it. There was a zipper at the back of her sexy hot-pants; he pulled it down. The underwear had stayed on as long as he could bear to keep them on.
“Lift your ass up, darling. These have to go.”
He loved how her breathing quickened. She bit her lip and pushed up on her knees to let him slide the panties down her thighs. One of her legs went up, letting the fabric fall to her left foot.
“It’s been a while since I’ve seen a furry pussy.”
“Hey, enough with the furry,” she admonished him, “I totally wax.”
She did, but she’d left a neat little triangle of hair on her mouth-watering cunt. Bryant threaded his fingers through it. “Come here, furry little bunny. I need your mouth.”
And he took it.
Why he needed to kiss her again, he had no clue. That wasn’t his MO. He’d long ago realized that when he kept his lips off their faces, they never failed to understand what he was in for: some hot sex, and that was it. Some of those he’d kissed, back in the day, had misunderstood the whole thing, expecting more of him, which was always a pain. He didn’t set out to hurt anyone, and never made any promises.
But she’d started it, and now, he couldn’t stop. Her mouth was like a drug; bad for him, but irresistible once he’d had a taste. He didn’t try to resist. One hand in her soft hair, another one grabbing her naked ass, he kissed her with abandon, until he just couldn’t take it anymore.
He growled, grabbed his wallet from his back pocket, and took a condom out.
“Open my fly, Tori.”
Her soft shaky hands took a while, but when she did, she just stared at the cock pointing at her menacingly.
“Holy fuck.”
He smirked.
“What am I supposed to do with that?”
Bryant chuckled. “It works just like every other cock out there.”
Now that the shock had passed, she looked at his piercing with some interest, her soft fingers brushing against the one dangling at the tip of his dick. He winced as his balls tensed.
“That one is a Prince Albert,” he told her.
Her hand slid along his length, and she caressed the other piercings running along the lower side of his cock.
“And those?”
“That’s a Jacob’s Ladder. And if you don’t stop touching it, I’m going to come all over your stomach, sweetheart. I have better plans for round one.”
He wrapped his arm around her waist and flipped their places, letting her sit on the sofa with her legs wide open for him. After working his condom over his length, he decided he was done with preambles. In a deep, hard thrust, Bryant buried his cock inside her.
Holy fuck. She was so tight around him. Smoldering hot. A little gasp had left her mouth, and her nails had dug into his shoulders.
It took a while for him to be able to see straight. He didn’t think any pussy had ever clasped around him that way. Why was it better with her?
Anchoring his knees on the sofa, Bryant slowly retracted his hips, all the while pushing open the legs she’d brought back to her chest.
“This time isn’t going to last, Tori. But don’t worry. We have all night.”
Before the Storm
“Earth to Tori?”
She blinked, finding Lexi right in front of her, one hand on her hips, and shaking her head.
Oh dear. She’d done it again.
For the last week, she’d taken to daydreaming anytime, anywhere. Which was rather inconvenient. While it hadn’t yet cost her any clients, it certainly hadn’t been kind on her panties, given the fact that what she dreamt of was a hot, kinky, sexy man with a thick, eight-inch-long dick, adorned with piercings that had been fitted with a G-spot radar.
Parker had given her the kind of treatment she was certain she’d never forget. He’d fucked her, hard and fast, all those little metal bubbles massaging her insides as he pumped in and out of her. Then, carrying her to his bed, he’d fed her strawberries and given her champagne, before making her ride him.
Then, there had been the shower. And the wall. But it was the last time that was marked in stone – and for a day, marked on her ankles, too. He’d taken red rope conveniently left in his bedside table, and tied her wrists together at the top of her head; each of her feet, he’d bound to the bed-frame.
“Are you comfortable, luv?”
He’d asked, like it was a normal question when someone had their ass in the air. She’d nodded. So, he’d fucked her like a goddamned savage, grunting, yelling until they came, and came, and came.
The entire night had been an experience she wasn’t about to forget, but the… she bit her lip, knowing there was only one word for what he’d done to her. The bondage was still fucking with her brain. And her pussy.
“Sorry, I was…” As creaming my panties wasn’t an office-appropriate term, she settled on, “thinking.”
“No worries. I have the copies of the contract you asked for. Jana is still pissed you’ve managed to pull Harris Toys.”
She smiled. “It helps to be friends with the CEO’s fiancée. Although that just bought me a way in. Carter Harris is no fool, he wouldn’t have gone with us if we hadn’t been the best option for his launch.”
But the fact remained: she was Cassandra Frank’s friend, and, therefore, everyone at the office had thought that it nullified her hard work on the project. Never mind that she’d spent the night at the office for a week straight in order to present the very best campaign to Carter and Trick, who’d listened to her presentation with narrowed eyes, not giving an inch.
“They’re just a bunch of ungrateful bastards,” Lexi said with a sunny smile, without bothering to lower her voice although she’d left Tori’s office door open. “You bringing in a multibillion dollar corporation is the reason why we all got a seriously fat bonus last quarter. They should be kissing your ass. And bringing you coffee. Talking of, I’m on my way to grab some Starbucks. Want anything?”
“Yes, please. Feel free to just inject it directly into my veins.”
Her recent promotion had come with a bunch of added responsibilities; as an account manager, she was now responsible for overseeing the work of six of her colleagues, so, as well as working on her own projects, she also studied theirs.
Thankfully, most of the staff knew what they were doing, and she wasn’t about to micromanage them. Still, she’d seen a thing or two that could use some improvement, and it looked like she was going to have to give Brenda a gentle nudge about finishing the presentation she was supposed to put together for Wyner and Burt.
So, basically, she was back to seventy-hour weeks. Coffee was vital at this point.
Lexi went on her errand, and, although she never saw her come back, she must have dropped by some time later, because Tori was sipping on the last of her caramel pecan latte when James knocked on her doo
“Do you have a second?”
Tori smiled at her godfather, who walked in her new office and closed the door behind him.
“I’ll be announcing it Monday, but I wanted you to hear it from me now,” he said, intriguing her. “I’m retiring.”
She froze, as her brain came up with a thousand dreadful possibilities.
“Are you alright? If you have some health problems, you need to tell me.”
She was firm, practically vehement, and he didn’t need to ask why.
Her father had hidden his health issues from her, so that she didn’t worry while he got his heart fixed up. Only, it hadn’t gone to plan. So he’d died alone, because god knew her mother wasn’t about to spend time in a hospital.
“I’m absolutely fine, pumpkin, I swear to you.”
James held her gaze until she nodded her head, believing him. James wasn’t one to lie to her face; he said what he thought, even when it wasn’t what she wanted to hear. He’d even once told her mother that yes, her ass looked huge in her dress.
“It’s just, between what happened to William last year, and what happened to my own father just last month, I’ve realized there’s more to life, you know? Art shows, movies, restaurants, some sunny beaches with fancy cocktails. And who knows? Maybe I’ll even snag myself a woman.”
Tori didn’t tell him he could have all that right here; go on holidays, and date women in NYC. James was always parading gorgeous, sophisticated models on his arm, so he knew that.
Truth was, during all these late nights she’d spent at work, she’d seen James in his office, working. Sometimes, he was still there in the morning, with a wrinkled suit. Croft Advertising was his high-maintenance, demanding wife, and while married to her, he had no hopes of letting anything else in his life.
“So, what now? Are you,” she swallowed with difficulty, “selling out?”
“No, nothing like that. I’m bringing in Bryant as CEO.”
Tori beamed at him, knowing how much that meant to James.
He was always talking about his brother. For years, he’d attempted to lure him to NYC, and it looked like he’d finally managed.